Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Running Training - 2 Tips To Help You Get Started

If you want to make your workouts more challenging you shouldadd running to your routine. Running can be a great hobby thatnot only is extremely challenging but overall very effectivefor burning fat. The nice thing about running is that it isvery effective in short durations. You do not need to run for avery long time if you don't want too. Running used with weight training can add another dimension toyour fat burning efforts. Also, you'll be in much better shapeas you keep doing it. While weight lifting is optimal forbuilding strength and shaping muscles, running helps you keepyou as lean as possible. You should check with your doctor first to discuss addingjogging to your routine. If you like to add running to yourwork out but you're not sure how to get started, keep thesetips in mind. First and foremost you need the right attire and environment tostart jogging. I would recommend that you find the right runningshoes. You should look into brands such as Brooks or NewBalance. It may be best to go to a store that specializes in runningshoes and you should get properly measured. Having the rightshoe with the proper fit will provide the right foundation foryour running regimen by limiting pain in your feet. The next thing you should remember is to start off simple andslow. If you are weigh a lot or you haven't ran in a long time,you do not want to put yourself in a situation that will hinderyour efforts. It's best to start off walking and then run forshort bouts of time. This is called interval training. Interval training is the best way to build up endurance forrunning. It provides workouts that allow you to challengeyourself on a frequent basis and at the same time allows yourbody to recuperate. For example, a good way to start is to set the duration of yourrunning workout for 20 minutes. Set your intervals for 2 minuteswalking followed by 1 minute of jogging. Use this as a baseline.For example if you get too tired or feel too much pain, increaseto 3 minutes walking with one minute or less jogging. The goal is to build the endurance, not hurt yourself and tryto push yourself to get a little bit better each time. You'llbe surprised how much better you get in such a short durationof time.About The Author: For a great book filled with Weight LossWorkout Routines that include weight lifting and running tokeep you active for a long time, check out our review ofTurbulence Training at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very good thought